
シャトー・ディケム 1960 Chateau D'Yquem

Item Number 3

商品情報内容量750 mL原材料ブドウ保存方法冷暗所での保管を推奨いたします。

生産地 フランス ボルドー ソーテルヌシャトー・ディケム 1960 Chateau D'Yquem 貴腐ワインの最高峰、シャトー・ディケムです。

Bordeaux, until then property of the Dukes of Aquitaine, also Kings of England, passed into the royal domain under King Charles VII. during December 1593, Jacques Sauvage, a notable, becomes a tenant in Yquem and has the castle rebuilt there.The château d`Yquem is a vineyard that is part of the Bordeaux vineyards and produces a sweet wine with the same name. Château d`Yquem is the only Sauternes given the classification of premier cru supérieur. It is considered the best sweet wine. The château itself is a historic monument since 2003. Fine and Rareは希少な格付けワイン、シャンパンやスピリッツを中心に取り扱っており、お客様にぴったりの商品をご案内致します。


不良や異常のある場合は商品のお届けから8日以内にFine and Rareまでお知らせくださいませ。

Fine and Rare specializes in fine and rare wines, champagne and spirits, exactly the kind of products you are looking for, our sources are mainly Châteaux and Domains, private wine cellars and other reliable wine companies in Europe to ensure the authenticity of our wines, Fine and Rare must be notified of any defects or irregularities no later than 8 days after the collection of the receipt of the goods. 1

Item Number 3

Review Count レビュー件数 0件
Review Average レビュー平均 0(5点満点)
Shop Name ショップ Fine and Rare
Price 商品価格 220,000円(税込み)

